perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2013

Jyväskylä, the best city of Finland

(The city of light)

On Wednesday started the third Naama Näkkärillä -amateur stand up competition in restaurant Freetime. There was a full room of audience, students, but also many my friends of mine who are not students. The event made me think how awesome place this city for young adults to live, mainly because Jyväskylä is a city on two universities. University of Jyväskylä and JAMK University of Applied Sciences ensures that there are a lot of young people living here. And what are the consequenses? The amount of services, that are provided to young people, is huge. That is natural, if we think marketing: you should always first consider what kind of people and customers you have and what they want, and then create a service or product.

One major advatage to students that comes easily to mind is of course students discounts. I remember when I came to enterance exams in spring 2008 and walked via Kauppakatu, I could see -10% signs in many doors and windows of shops.

The atmosphere here feels youthful and that is mabye the reason why I enjoy so much living here. In Upper Town there are many extreamly interesting butiques and ethnic restaurants and I suggest to go there if you want to know what good service is. Little things like free coffee after chinese dish (which normally costed 1e) made me happy for the rest of the day. :) Thought I don't know does that tell more about me than the service.

One thing that I wish deeply is, that when I graduate I don't need to move away from here. This is where I belong.

Sincerely yours

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